My opinion

By Dr. Deepak Gupta , Dr. Roelle Eugenio
Corresponding Author Dr. Deepak Gupta
Wayne State University, - United States of America
Submitting Author Dr. Deepak Gupta
Other Authors Dr. Roelle Eugenio
Anesthesiology, Detroit Medical Center, - United States of America


ProneView Protective Helmet Systems, ProneView Adjustable Mirrors, Undercar Underbody Mirror, Head Immobilized Pinned Patients

Gupta D, Eugenio R. Mirror O Mirror On The Floor, Come Closer To Look At My Face!. WebmedCentral ANAESTHESIA 2021;12(11):WMC005745

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License(CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Submitted on: 03 Nov 2021 01:10:09 PM GMT
Published on: 03 Nov 2021 01:10:23 PM GMT

My opinion

Compared to prone patients in ProneView® Protective Helmet Systems [1] whose faces can be monitored via mirror bases built into them, the faces of patients whose heads are immobilized in prone position by pinning [2] can only be visualized in ergonomically challenging positions wherein anesthesia providers have to bend at awkward angles close to the floor so as to inspect their patients' faces. Although inspection of prone pinned patients' faces may not seem required as frequently as inspection of prone patients' faces in ProneView® Protective Helmet Systems, it is still a good idea to have mirrors readily available to easily inspect prone pinned patients' faces. There are a few options for this task. Firstly, separately sold ProneView® Adjustable Mirrors [3] can be used to inspect prone pinned patients' faces. If their cost is a deterrent, then secondly, appropriately sized disposable non-glass mirrors can be bought online at very cheap prices [4]. If appropriately sized disposable mirrors are not available, appropriately sized reusable undercar (underbody) mirrors [5] covered with clear disposable anesthesia screen drapes [6] can be used to inspect prone pinned patients' faces. However, these mirrors when placed on floors may seem too distant for close inspection of prone pinned patients' faces. Therefore, these "floor" mirrors either have to be intermittently brought closer to prone pinned patients' faces for their intermittent inspection or can be fixed and secured closer to the head immobilization devices to continuously inspect prone pinned patients' faces. Alternatives to mirrors such as phone cameras may expose mobile devices to contamination by prone patients' secretions and may raise patient privacy concerns. Other alternatives to phone cameras such as GlideScope® videos and fiberoptic intubation scope videos may be too costly and ergonomically difficult when used to intermittently inspect prone pinned patients' faces, especially when their field of view may be limited as compared to convex reusable undercar (underbody) mirrors or flat disposable non-glass mirrors. The bottom-line is that prone face inspection mirrors for head immobilized pinned patients may provide an ergonomically appropriate opportunity for anesthesia providers to intermittently or continuously inspect prone pinned patients' faces.


  1. ProneView®Protective Helmet System. t/uploads/Proneview-Brochure.pdf 
  2. Skull Clamp Placement: Cervical Procedures-Pin Placement.
  3. Mirror Platform ProneView®. roduct/955950/Mizuho-Orthopedic-D28590CE
  4. 9 Pieces Flexible Mirror Sheets Self Adhesive Non Glass Mirror Plastic Mirror Tiles Mirror Wall Stickers. https://www.amaz
  5. Home Care Wholesale Vehicle Inspection Mirror/Under car Inspection Mirror - 12 Inch Diameter Security Mirror with Wheels and LED Light. https://www
  6. Call for Standalone Clear Anesthesia Screen Drape.

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